Chiswick Horticultural Rewards Budding Gardeners

The Chiswick Horticultural & Allotments Society (CHAS) has awarded
the winners of its 2018 Centenary Plate Competition, its gardening competition
amongst Chiswick schools.

The First Prize winner of the Centenary Plate Competition is Grove Park Primary
School, which particularly impressed the judges with the high standard of the
seedlings, flowers, vegetables and herbs grown, over even more patches. Notable, too, was
the installation of a weather station.

They were presented with The CHAS Centenary Plate, a massive, 100-year old
decorative bronze plate to display in their school for a year.

The Highly Commended Award, a silver rose bowl, for the runner up goes to The
William Hogarth School for brightening up the play areas with flowers and forming an ecoteam to consider environmental concerns, with great enthusiasm.

The Highly Commended Certificate has been won by Strand on the Green Infant and Nursery
School for being more adventurous in cultivating flowers, herbs and in related artistic

The Centenary Plate Competition is open to all schools in Chiswick and The
CHAS provides support to the schools by contributing free seeds, bulbs, compost and
active, hands-on advice and assistance to those that request it.

Any school interested in participating in the 2019 competition should contact
John Gill:

For further information, visit:

Chiswick Horticultural and Allotments Society (CHAS) is a charity originally founded in 1915 as the Chiswick Allotment Holders Association, whose objectives are the promotion and encouragement of the art, science and practice of horticulture.

They’re entirely run by volunteers from the committee to the trading hut.

The Society provides its members with free advice, seeds, bulbs, fertiliser, compost and
tools at a lower cost than commercial garden centres and organises shows, talks, tours and
events throughout the year.

Membership of the Society is open to everyone, whether or not they have an allotment,
garden or window box and costs just £8 per year.

CHAS holds two Shows a year where novices or seasoned gardeners young or old are
encouraged to exhibit a range of produce, including their flowers, vegetables, fruit, cakes,
chutneys and photos.

The Centenary Plate was donated to the CHAS in 2015 by Everard Whitehouse, the
Society’s Events Secretary, to celebrate the Society’s 100th Anniversary.