Art Transported

Art Transported: How Did it Get Here From Where it was Made?

Art Transported: How Did it Get Here From Where it was Made?

We love standing in a museum gazing at a painting by Titian or Caravaggio, but we rarely question where it was before it came to be in that museum or who, in earlier times, stood in front of it and gazed nor by what practical means it got there. When Napoleon invaded Europe he had the best of Europe’s works of art sent back to Paris for his new Musée Napoleon. But how did they get four life -size bronze horses of San Marco down from their place on the basilica in Venice, over the Alps and all the way to Paris? What practicalities did shipping a painting over 15 feet high, or a statue such as Michelangelo’s David, involve? This lecture will delve into the astonishing history of the movement of art works.

Chantal Brotherton-Ratcliffe has a MA in History of Art from Edinburgh and a Ph D from the Warburg Institute, London University. With 40 years’ experience as a lecturer, she has taught at Sotheby’s Institute of Art on the MA in Fine and Decorative Arts since 1989, and is a freelance lecturer for a number of societies in London, Italy and America. Having also trained as a paintings conservator, she brings an understanding of the making and the physical painting to her lectures and study sessions.



Oct 08 2020


8:00 pm

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Art Transported: How Did it Get Here From Where it was Made?