The Future Of Policing In Chiswick – March 2019
A follow up public meeting has been held at Chiswick Town Hall to discuss issues around the policing of Chiswick. The meeting was arranged by the Hounslow Conservative councillors and was attended by Superintendent Gary Taylor, the Deputy (West Area) Commander and his locally based colleagues.
Superintendant Taylor, Sergeant Anil Sharma and colleagues from the police were reporting on progress that has been made since the first meeting was held in December 2018. You can view the first meeting here.
The full meeting is shown here and you can jump to specific sections by clicking the links below.
00:02:04 – Welcome and results of previous survey –Â Cllr Sam Hearn
00:06:24 – Introduction from Chair –Â Torin Douglas
00:10:40 – Opening words by Superintendent Gary Taylor
00:17:51 – Update from Chiswick Sergeant Anil Sharma
00:22:44 – Communications – PC Natalie Soden
00:23:52 – Twitter – PC Adam Pitts
00:24:39 – OWL – PC Simon Cole
00:27:10 – Operation Midhouse -Sergeant Anil Sharma
00:33:50 – Schools
00:36:38 – Chiswick School – Laura Ellener and Andy Richardson
00:39:32 – Hogarth Youth Centre
00:40:50 – Rocks Lane Sports Centre
00:46:30 – Question: Muggings and stripping
00:54:50 – Question: Teenage boys feeling unsafe in Chiswick
00:56:22 – Question: Mayfield Avenue
00:58:25 – Question: Unsatisfactory response to victim
01:00:00 – Question: Long term effect on victims
01:02:20 – Question: Embracing technology
01:03:40 – Question: Drug Dealing and intelligence led policing
01:05:30 – Question: Resources and protecting children
01:06:25 – Question: Burglaries in Chiswick
01:07:05 – Question: Extra resources and long term commitments
01:10:25 – Police advice re: avoiding burglary
01:12:35 – Question: Visible policing and what is worth reporting
01:17:11 – Question: Car crime Chiswick
01:19:12 – Question: CCTV cameras and avoidanceÂ
01:21:51 – Question: Muggings and stripping
01:25:33 – Question: Guardian Angels and public policing
01:28:45 – Question: Police patrolling cars at night
01:30:50 – Question: Intervening in an incident